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To be audacious in our support for students who
struggle with literacy challenges and dyslexia so
that they can demonstrate their gifts and thrive in our world.
The Every Child Reading community collaborates
with families and educators to provide educational
resources, training, and services for students with
literacy challenges and dyslexia to develop the
literacy and communication skills necessary to
thrive as 21st Century learners.
Our passion is serving students who struggle with literacy – reading, writing, spelling and for some kids – math. Some students have a dyslexia diagnosis while others may not. What matters is that they are struggling to thrive educationally. Reading is at the core of education. The impact of struggling to learn to read is multidimensional. It impacts learning in every subject. It impacts self-image and self-esteem. It impacts parents and educators.
We serve by providing the educational tools and skills necessary for educators and families to ensure students are able to thrive in the way they learn best.
Every Child Reading, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is a community of learners and educators built on kindness, support and education for students, many with dyslexia, who thrive when taught to read (write, spell and do math), in a way they can learn. The organization was established by Elenn Steinberg based on her passion for working with students who have unique learning needs; especially in the area of dyslexia.

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